Object-Oriented Extensions to Pascal
Technical Committee X3J9, Programming Language Pascal

The following DRAFT technical report was produced by the Technical Committee X3J9, Programming Language Pascal, a subcommitte of the Accredited Standards Committee, X3. The draft is public domain and can be freely used provided a reference to its source is made.

Object-Oriented Extensions to Pascal
September 20, 1993
This is a draft document. It is to be used for review purposes only. Implementors should not claim conformance to this document.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Scope
  3. References
  4. Definitions
  5. Definitional Conventions
  6. Compliance
  7. Object Extensions
    1. Class Definition
      1. Extension of the Type System
      2. Restrictions on Class Definitions
      3. Contents and Syntax of Class Definitions
        1. Kind of Class
        2. Inheritance List
        3. Fields
        4. Methods
        5. Constructors
        6. Destructors
      4. Scope of Entities Defined in a Class
      5. Deferred Class Definitions
    2. Kinds of Classes
      1. Concrete classes
      2. Abstract classes
      3. Property classes
      4. The Underlying Type Model
      5. Class Views
    3. Inheritance
      1. The Root Class
      2. Multiple Inheritance
      3. Name Conflicts
      4. Overriding
      5. Abstract Methods, Constructors, and Destructors
    4. Syntax
    5. Object Access
      1. The Object Model
      2. Implicit Parameter Self
      3. Polymorphism during Construction and Destruction
      4. Implicit References
      5. Field References
      6. Inherited
      7. Reference Type Coercion
      8. Operations
        1. Compatibility Rules
        2. Activation of Methods
        3. Activation of Constructors
        4. Activation of Destructors
        5. Assignment
        6. Comparison
        7. Parameter Passing
          1. Value Parameters
          2. Variable Parameters
        8. Membership Operator Is
    6. Predefined Entities
      1. Null
      2. Root
        1. Create
        2. Destroy
        3. Clone
        4. Equal
      3. TextWritable
        1. ReadObj
        2. WriteObj
      4. Copy
    7. Signatures
    8. With Statement
    9. Procedure, Function, Constructor, and Destructor Declarations
    10. Changes to Export Clause
    11. Visibility
    12. Extended Pascal Features
    13. Suggested Changes to Extended Pascal


  1. Collected BNF
  2. Non-Syntactic Changes to the Extended Pascal Standard
  3. Separated Issues
  4. Language Features Considered and Rejected
  5. Rationale for Decisions Reflected in this Report


The following people participated in the development of this Technical Report 
on Object-Oriented Extensions to Pascal. 

Joseph Bergin                                 Jim Miner
   Pace University                               University of Minnesota

Pete Boton, CCP                               Joseph Mouhanna
   Atlantic Computing                            Microsoft

Klaus Daesler                                 David Neal
   Siemens Nixdorf                               Symantec

Peter Goetz                                   Bill Price
   Siemens Nixdorf                               Unisys Corp.

Tony Hetherington                             John Reagan
   Prospero Software Ltd.                        Digital Equipment Corp.

David Intersimone                             Kurt Schmucker
   Borland International                         Apple Computer Inc.

Jay Joiner                                    Michael Stinson
   U.S. Air Force                                Central Michigan University

David Joslin                                  Damian Thomas
   University of Teesside                        Unisys Corp.

Charles Linett                                Thomas Turba
   Census Bureau                                 Unisys Corp.

Donal MacVeigh                                Derek White
   St. Peter's College                           Apple Computer Inc.

Matt Miller
   Unisys Corp.

The officers of the committee at the time the report was sent to X3 are:

Thomas N. Turba       John R. Reagan         Pete Boton, CCP
  Chairman              Secretary              Technical Editor

                     Object-Oriented Extensions to Pascal

1.  Scope.  

This report describes the semantics and syntax for object-oriented 
extensions to the Pascal and Extended Pascal programming languages. 

 NOTE: While this report is not a standard, implementors are strongly 
       encouraged to conform to this report.  It is expected that the 
       information herein will be incorporated into the next revisions 
       of the applicable standards. 

2.  References.  

The following publications are used in conjunction with this report:

       ISO/IEC 7185:1990
           Programming Language Pascal

       ANSI/IEEE770X3.160-1989, ISO/IEC 10206:1991
           Programming Language Extended Pascal

3.  Definitions.  

The definitions of Dynamic-Violation, Error, Extension, Implementation-
Defined, Implementation-Dependent, and Processor in the Extended Pascal 
standard apply to this Technical Report. 

4.  Definition Conventions.  

The definitions of in and containing, and the metalanguage used in this 
Technical Report to specify the syntax of constructs, are the same as those 
defined in the Pascal and Extended Pascal standards. 

5.  Compliance.  

A processor or program shall be said to comply with this Technical Report if 
it complies with the features described in this report in the manner specified 
under Compliance in the Pascal and Extended Pascal standards. 

6.  Object Extensions.  

The extensions described in this section are described in terms of, and based 
on, the standard for the programming language Extended Pascal.  Except for the 
Extended Pascal features listed in Section 6.12, they apply equally well to 
the programming language Pascal. 

6.1  Class Definition.  

A class definition defines the common structure and set of services for a 
group of objects. 

6.1.1  Extension of the Type System.  

Class definitions are integrated with, and an extension of, the existing 
Pascal type system.  The affected production in the Extended Pascal standard 

       type-definition = identifier "="
                         ( type-denoter | class-type-denoter ).

6.1.2  Restrictions on Class Definitions.  

A class definition can appear only in a type-definition-part in a program-
block, module-heading, or module-block.  Therefore, it cannot appear within a 
procedure, function, constructor, or destructor declaration. 

6.1.3  Contents and Basic Structure of Class Definition.  

A class definition specifies:

(a)    The name of the class;

(b)    The kind of class;

(c)    Inheritance for the class;

(d)    Fields that each object of the class will contain;

(e)    Headers for methods that will provide services for objects in the 
       class; and 

(f)    Headers for constructors and destructors for objects of the class.

Fields, methods, constructors, and destructors can appear in any order within 
a class definition. The specification of the bodies of methods, constructors, 
and destructors is done separately from the class definition.  (See sections,, and 

The basic structure of a class definition is:

            name = [ kind ] CLASS [ inheritance list ]
                   { definition of structure and contents }

 NOTE: The above "syntax" and following similar representations are informal 
       and do not show the complete syntactic structure.  The complete 
       syntactic structure is presented in EBNF in section 6.4.  Kind of Class.  

A class is either a concrete class, an abstract class, or a property class.

A concrete class begins with the word symbol class, an abstract class begins 
with abstract class, and a property class begins with property class.  For 

         Printable = PROPERTY CLASS

         List      = CLASS (Printable)

The semantics for these classes are described in section 6.2.  Inheritance List.  

The word symbol class can be followed by a parenthesized list of class names: 

         Student = CLASS (Person, Gradable, ... )

These class names, if present, specify classes from which this class inherits 
fields, methods, constructors, and destructors.  No class name can appear more 
than once in the list.  The order in which the class names appear in the list 
has no semantic significance.  Fields.  

A field definition in a class defines a data item that exists in each instance 
of the class.  It is similar to a field of a record.  For example: 

         Person = CLASS
                    Name        : ^ String;
                    DateOfBirth : DateType;

If a field of a class has restrictions associated with it (if it is a file 
type, for example), then the class type also has these restrictions.  Methods.  

A method is a procedure or function that provides a service (or operation) for 
the objects of the class.  A method is always activated for a specific object 
of the class. 

Methods are declared within the definition of a class.  For example:

         Employee = CLASS (Person)
                      PROCEDURE Pay;
                      FUNCTION  Salaried : Boolean;

A class definition contains the heading for each method in the class.  
Methods can optionally be marked with abstract or override.  Constructors.  

A constructor defines actions that are performed when an object is created.  
A class definition can contain zero or more constructors. 

There is a predefined constructor called Create in the Root class.  Since 
every abstract class and every concrete class is a descendant of Root, every 
such class has at least one constructor. 

Constructors are declared within the definition of a class.  For example:

         ListNode = CLASS (parent, ...)
                      CONSTRUCTOR Create; Override;

If a class inherits non-abstract constructors from more than one parent, 
a non-abstract constructor must be specified in this class.  Overriding an 
inherited constructor is sufficient. 

Constructors can be defined for any class, including abstract classes and 
property classes. 

 NOTE: A constructor defined in a property class can be called only from 
       a constructor of a descendant.

A constructor can have zero or more parameters.  Like a method, only the 
heading of a constructor appears in a class definition.  Destructors.  

A destructor removes an object from a class and performs any other user-
specified actions associated with the removal of the object.  A class 
definition can contain zero or more destructors. 

There is a predefined destructor called Destroy in the Root class.  Since 
every abstract class and every concrete class is a descendant of Root, every 
such class has at least one destructor. 

Destructors are declared within the definition of a class.  For example:

         ListNode = CLASS (parent, ...)
                      DESTRUCTOR Destroy; Override;

Destructors can be defined for any class, including abstract classes and 
property classes. 

 NOTE: A destructor defined in a property class can be called only from a
       destructor of a descendant.

A destructor can have zero or more parameters.  Like a method, only the 
heading for a destructor appears in a class definition. 

6.1.4  Scope of Entities Defined in a Class.  

The scope rules in section 6.2.2 of the Extended Pascal standard are extended 
for classes in a manner similar to that for records.  Simply stated, all 
identifiers defined in a class are local to that class. 

6.1.5  Deferred class definitions.  

A class name can be declared before its structure and contents are defined.  
This is specified by: 

         name = [ kind ] CLASS .. END;

       NOTE:  In the above, ".." is a symbol.

Later in the same type-definition-part, there must be a type definition with 
the same name that specifies the contents and structure of the class.  A class 
cannot be used in a class-inheritance-list before its complete definition is 

6.2  Kinds of Classes.

6.2.1  Concrete Classes.  

A concrete class is the only kind of class for which an object can be created. 

Any class that is not explicitly declared to be an abstract class or a 
property class is concrete. 

A class cannot be concrete if it possesses any abstract methods, constructors, 
or destructors. 

6.2.2  Abstract Classes.  

An abstract class is a place holder in a class hierarchy.  It defines protocol 
and common contents for descendant classes.  An object cannot be created for 
an abstract class. 

An abstract class is specified by including the word symbol abstract in the 
class definition.  For example: 

         Collection = ABSTRACT CLASS (Root)
                        PROCEDURE Insert (Element : Root);

6.2.3  Property Classes.  

A property class provides a characteristic, attribute, or property for the 
definition of another class.  For example, such a property may be that objects 
in the class are printable, that they have magnitude, or that they are 

A property class cannot be instantiated.  It is used via inheritance, perhaps 
along with other property classes, by an abstract or concrete class.  Thus, an 
object always belongs in a unique concrete class and can have any number of 
inherited property classes. 

An object can be tested to see whether or not it has a property.  (This is 
accomplished using the is operator, described in section 

A property class is specified by including the word symbol property in the 
class definition: 

         Magnitude = PROPERTY CLASS
                       FUNCTION Less (Element : Magnitude) :
                                               Boolean; ABSTRACT;

A property class can inherit only from other property classes.  It does not 
inherit from the Root class (described in section 6.3.1), but from a forest of 
independently rooted trees.  A property class can inherit from any number of 
other property classes as long as it does not directly or indirectly inherit 
either from itself or from two or more property classes that have a common 

6.2.4  The Underlying Type Model.  

A class-type-name denotes a class-type whose structure is a pair consisting of 
a reference-type and an object-type. 

The reference-type specifies which features are visible via a reference of 
that type.  A reference variable, parameter, or function result type is 
statically associated with this reference-type in a declaration of a reference 
variable, parameter, or function respectively.  The reference-type references 
objects of the object-type.  The reference-type of the class-type is the type 
of references to objects in the class.  

The object-type of the class-type defines the type given to objects when they 
are constructed as a consequence of applying a constructor of the class to the 
specified class name.  The object-type specifies the structure of the object 
and all of its features, whether visible or not. 

In a subclass definition, a new reference-type and a new object-type are 
created.  The object-type has all of the features inherited from all of the 
object-types of all of its ancestors, whether visible or not, and all features 
added in this class definition itself.  The reference-type has all of the 
visible features of its ancestors and all features added by the class 

An object is a member of its object-type and all ancestors of its object-type.  
An object is a member of a class if it is a member of the object-type of the 

Class-types that have the same object-type are assignment-compatible.

6.2.5  Class Views.  

A class view defines a new class-type whose reference-type is a partially 
opaque type that is based on an existing class-type.  A view of a class 
specifies which features of the base type will be visible in the view.  For 

         PublicList = VIEW OF List (PublicCollection)
                        PROCEDURE InsertFirst (Element : Root);

defines a new class called PublicList that is based on the class List.  All of 
the visible features of List that are in PublicCollection together with 
InsertFirst are visible in PublicList. 

Class views have the following properties:

(a)    A class view defines a class.

(b)    The kind of class defined (concrete, abstract, or property) is the same 
       as the view-base-type. 

(c)    The classes named in the class-inheritance-list of a class-definition-
       part of the class-view-denoter shall be ancestors or views of ancestors 
       of the view-base-type. 

(d)    The class defined by a view has as its only visible properties those 
       properties specified through the class-inheritance-list and the class-

(e)    The features named in the class-definition-part of the class-view-
       denoter must be visible features of the class named by the view-base-

(f)    All names visible in the classes named in the class-inheritance-list of 
       the class-definition-part of the class-view-denoter are features of the 

(g)    Feature names in the class view definition cannot be marked override.


       (1) In a class-view-denoter, new features cannot be introduced and 
           methods cannot be overridden. 

       (2) A class view is a class.  Therefore, a view can itself be viewed.  
           A view can also be named in a class-inheritance-list of a class-
           definition-part.  (See 6.2.4.) 

In a class-view-denoter, a new reference-type is created but not a new object-
type.  The object-type of the view-base-type is the object-type of the viewed 
class (even if a view is viewing another view). 

The reference-type created has all of the visible features of the reference-
types of the classes named in the class-inheritance-list together with all 
features individually listed in the view. 


       (1) When an object is created, its type is the object-type.  This is 
           independent of any reference-type and hence is independent of any 
           visibility restrictions. Visibility restricts the access to 
           features of an object and does not affect the nature or capability 
           of the object itself.  If two views of an object are visible within 
           a scope, then references having these types can be assigned to one 
           another.  They can appear to have different capabilities because 
           they have different interfaces via their references. 

       (2) A view class can be used to restrict access to an object.  To do 
           this, it is necessary to export the view while not exporting a 
           wider view of the same class of objects.  In most cases, for a view 
           to be useful it will contain at least one constructor (and usually 
           at least one destructor). 

       (3) The "top view" of a class is the view in which the set of features 
           of the reference-type is identical to the set of features of the 
           object-type.  (Roughly, if the class structure has been defined 
           entirely without the use of views.) Since a subclass can be created 
           by naming a view as a parent class, a top view of objects in the 
           class may not exist in the program.  This is, however, the view 
           that the object has of itself. 

       (4) If a visible method references a method or field within its body, 
           its behavior is the same, regardless of the visibility of that 
           entity in the calling environment. 

6.3  Inheritance.  

Inheritance is a means of defining a class that is an extension or refinement 
of another class.  A class definition that contains a class-inheritance-list 
specifies a class that inherits from each of the class names specified in the 

A class that directly inherits from another class is called a "child" of that 
other class.  The class from which it directly inherits is called a "parent."  
A class that inherits (directly or indirectly) from another class is called a 
"subclass" or "descendant" of that other class.  The class from which it 
inherits (directly or indirectly) is called an "ancestor." 

A class cannot have itself as an ancestor, inherit two or more times from the 
same class, or inherit from two classes with a common ancestor. 

As an implicit part of its definition, a descendant class contains the 
definitions of all fields, methods, constructors, and destructors of each of 
its ancestor classes. 

A class that is a descendant of another class can add definitions for new 
fields, methods, constructors, and destructors to those it inherits.  It can 
also override inherited methods, constructors, and destructors, thereby 
associating new bodies with these entities.  However, it cannot remove the 
definition of an entity defined in an ancestor class, nor can it modify the 
signature of any method, constructor or destructor, or the type of any field.  
(Signatures are described in section 6.7.) 

6.3.1  The Root class.  

A predefined abstract class called Root is an ancestor of every abstract and 
every concrete class, whether or not it is specified in a class inheritance 
list.  The contents of Root are described in detail in section 6.6.2. 

If a concrete or abstract class does not explicitly inherit from another 
concrete or abstract class, it inherits only from the Root class. 

6.3.2  Multiple Inheritance.  

Multiple inheritance in a class definition has the following properties: 

(a)    A class defined using multiple inheritance is a descendant of each of 
       the classes from which it inherits.  It contains all fields, methods, 
       constructors, and destructors of each of its parents. 

(b)    There cannot be a common ancestor in the hierarchy for the parents of a 
       class defined using multiple inheritance.  A class can inherit only 
       from independently rooted trees. Thus, a class can have several parent 
       property classes if they come from separately rooted trees.  (See 

       NOTE: At most one class in the class-inheritance-list for the 
             definition of a class-type can be an abstract class or a concrete 
             class.  Zero or more classes in the class-inheritance-list can be 
             property classes. 

6.3.3  Name Conflicts.  

A new entity defined in a class cannot have the same spelling as the name of 
any ancestor or any inherited entity. 

An overriding method, constructor, or destructor has the same name as its 
corresponding entity defined in an ancestor. If multiple inheritance is used 
in the definition of a class, the spellings of all inherited names must be 

6.3.4  Overriding.  

Overriding is the redefinition of the implementation of a visible inherited 
method, constructor, or destructor. 

The directive Override indicates that an inherited entity is being overridden.  
The directive Override follows the definition of the heading for the entity: 

           FUNCTION Name : Result; Override;

Override must be specified in the heading for an entity that defines the 
implementation of an inherited abstract entity. 

The heading for an overriding entity must be of the same kind (procedure, 
function, constructor, or destructor) as the heading for the entity it is 
overriding.  The heading for an overriding method, constructor, or destructor 
may optionally specify its parameter list and return type.  If specified, the 
signature of an overriding method, constructor, or destructor must be the same 
as the signature of the original entity.  Therefore, an overriding method, 
constructor, or destructor cannot change the type of a parameter or result.  
(Signatures are described in section 6.7.) 

6.3.5  Abstract Methods, Constructors, and Destructors.  

A class does not define an implementation for an abstract entity.  It defines 
only the interface.  The implementation is deferred to a descendant class. 

An abstract entity can be defined only in an abstract class or a property 

A non-abstract entity that is defined in a parent class cannot later be 
declared abstract in a descendant class. 

An entity is defined to be abstract if the word symbol abstract follows the 
definition of its heading in a class definition.  For example: 


6.4  Syntax.  

The following productions define the syntax for the preceding sections. 

       type-definition = identifier "="
                         ( type-denoter | class-type-denoter ) .

       class-type-denoter = subclass-denoter |
                            class-view-denoter .

       subclass-denoter = property-class | abstract-class |
                          concrete-class .

       class-view-denoter = "view" "of" view-base-type
                            class-definition-part .

       view-base-type = class-type-name .

       class-type-name = type-name .

       property-class = "property" "class"
                        class-definition-part .

       abstract-class = "abstract" "class"
                        class-definition-part .

       concrete-class = "class" class-definition-part .

       class-definition-part = ( actual-class-definition |
                                 deferred-class-definition )
                               "end" .

       deferred-class-definition = ".." .

       actual-class-definition = [ class-inheritance ]
                                 [ class-component-list ] .

       class-inheritance = "(" class-inheritance-list ")" .

       class-inheritance-list = class-type-name
                                { "," class-type-name } .

       class-component-list = class-component
                              { ";" class-component } [ ";" ] .

       class-component = class-field-item |
                         [ ";" ( override-directive |
                                 "abstract"          ) ] .

       class-field-item = variable-declaration .

       class-procedural-item = procedure-heading |
                               function-heading |
                               constructor-heading |
                               destructor-heading .

       constructor-heading = "constructor" identifier
                             [ formal-parameter-list ] .

       destructor-heading = "destructor" identifier
                            [ formal-parameter-list ] .

6.5  Object Access.

6.5.1  The Object Model.  

The object model is a reference model.  In this model, objects can be thought 
of as if they were accessed indirectly through references.  A variable or 
field that is of a class-type refers to an object or has the value Null. 

The object model has the following properties:

(a)    An object is an entity of a class-type.

(b)    An object is created by a constructor.

(c)    Each object possesses a type.  This type is the type of the class 
       through which its constructor is called. 

(d)    The components of an object are the fields, methods, constructors, and 
       destructors defined for the object-type of the class type, whether 
       visible or not. 

(e)    An object is always accessed through a reference.

(f)    A reference to an object is a value.

(g)    A reference can be attributed to a variable or returned by a function.

(h)    There is a one-to-one relationship between non-null reference values 
       and objects. 

(i)    A variable of a class type either refers to an object or has the value 

(j)    A variable of a class type can be assigned a reference to an object of 
       the variable's type, any descendant of that type, or any type that has 
       the same object-type as the variable's type. 

(k)    A variable of a property class type can be assigned a reference to an 
       object that has that property. 

(l)    An expression yielding a reference to an object can be coerced to a 
       specified class type. It shall be a dynamic-violation if the type of 
       the object is not the object-type of the specified type or a descendant 
       of the specified type. 

(m)    Activation of a method for an object always activates the method 
       determined by the type of the object, regardless of the type of the 


       (1) All objects reside in an implementation-defined area that could be 
           the heap. 

       (2) An implementation is free to use any appropriate mechanism to 
           implement the object model.  It may or may not choose to use 
           pointers; and, an implementation can change from one release to 
           another as to how references are implemented. 

       (3) An implementation can have a garbage collector for objects if it so 
           chooses. The presence or absence of a garbage collector cannot 
           change the semantics of a correct program. 

6.5.2  Implicit Parameter Self.  

Within the declaration of a method, constructor, or destructor, the identifier 
Self conceptually represents an implicit protected parameter.  At its point of 
introduction, Self references the object for which the method, constructor, or 
destructor was activated. 

6.5.3  Polymorphism during Construction and Destruction.  

Within a constructor or destructor, the object referenced by Self is 
considered to be an object of the type for which the constructor or destructor 
was defined.  Because an object being constructed or destroyed is inherently 
incomplete, features defined by a subclass of the class in which the 
constructor or destructor is defined are inaccessible within the activation of 
the constructor or destructor. Therefore, if a method defined at this level is 
overridden in a subclass, the overriding method will be inaccessible during 
the activation of the constructor or destructor. 

 NOTE: The above implies that the type of the object being created or 
       destroyed will conceptually change when executing a constructor or 
       destructor at a different level in the hierarchy, and that this change 
       will be in effect for any methods activated from within such a 
       constructor or destructor. 

6.5.4  Implicit References.  

Within the definition of a method, constructor, or destructor, the names of 
fields, methods, constructors, and destructors defined in the class to which 
it belongs are visible. 

A reference to a field, method, or destructor without an explicit object 
reference is a reference to the implicit protected parameter Self unless a 
with statement applies.  The visibility of implicit references begins with the 
class name that precedes the method, constructor, or destructor name in the 
declaration.  Therefore, a parameter identifier or local variable with the 
same spelling as a name brought in will hide the name brought in.  A name so 
hidden can be accessed by explicit use of the class name and qualification. 

6.5.5  Field References.  

The visible fields of an object are referenced via a field-designator. 
The syntax for field-designator in Extended Pascal is changed as follows: 

       field-designator = [ object-reference "." ]
                                       class-field-specifier |
                          record-variable "." field-specifier |
                          field-designator-identifier .

       class-field-specifier = field-specifier .

A class-field-specifier that is not preceded by an object-reference can appear 
only in a method, constructor, destructor, or with statement. 

It shall be a dynamic violation if the object-reference in field-designator 
denotes the value Null. 

6.5.6  Inherited.  

Inherited indicates that name resolution for the method, constructor, or 
destructor begins in the parent (or parents) of the class of the method, 
constructor, or destructor in which inherited appears.  Example: 

       INHERITED Draw (1, 6);

Inherited can be used only within the declaration of a method, constructor, or 
destructor. Inherited cannot be used in conjunction with an explicit reference 
to a parent.  For example: 

       Parent_Name . INHERITED Size

is illegal.

Inherited can be used with Self by specifying:

       INHERITED Self . Method_Name

The above has the same meaning as

       INHERITED Method_Name

6.5.7  Reference Type Coercion.  

A reference to an object can be coerced to have the reference type of any of 
its descendants. 

       variable-access = entire-variable | component-variable |
                         identified-variable | buffer-variable |
                         substring-variable |
                         function-identified-variable |
                         reference-coercion .

       reference-coercion = class-type-name
                                       "(" variable-access ")" .

A reference-coercion returns a reference to an object.

It will be a run-time error if the object referenced by the variable-access of 
a reference-coercion is not a member of the class-type-name specified in the 

Using APerson as a variable name for an object of type Person, and Student as 
a descendant type of Person, a use would appear as: 

       Student ( APerson ) . Grade_Point_Average

6.5.8  Operations  Compatibility Rules.  

The compatibility of class-types is determined by the following rules, which 
are extensions to the compatibility rules in the Extended Pascal standard. 

Section 6.4.5 of the Extended Pascal standard is extended with a new rule 
stating that types T1 and T2 are compatible if 

       (e) T1 and T2 are class-types.

For assignment compatibility of objects within a class hierarchy, Section 
6.4.6 of the Extended Pascal Standard is extended with a new rule stating that 
a value of type T2 is assignment-compatible with a type T1 if 

       (g) T1 and T2 are class-types and the object type of T2 is the same as, 
           or a descendant of, the object type of T1; or 

       (h) T1 is a property class and T2 has that property.  Activation of Methods.  

A method is activated by reference to an object and a method name associated 
with the class of the object.  The syntax for method activation is: 

       method-activation =
           [ "inherited" [ self-reference "." ] |
             object-reference "." |
             ancestor-name "." ]
           method-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ] .

       self-reference = self-identifier .

       self-identifier = identifier .

       ancestor-name = class-type-name .

       method-identifier = identifier .

       object-reference = variable-access | function-access .

The identifier in self-reference is the implicit protected parameter Self.

A method activation that begins with the word symbol inherited, or that begins 
with an ancestor-name, can appear only in the body of a method, constructor, 
or destructor.  The object used with such an activation is the object 
represented by the implicit protected parameter Self. 

It will be a run-time error if the object-reference in method-activation 
denotes the value Null. 

Method-activation is added as an alternative in procedure-statement and 
primary.  Activation of Constructors.  

A constructor is called as either a function (constructor-access) or a 
procedure (constructor-statement).  Constructor-statement is added as an 
alternative in simple-statement.  Constructor-access is added as an 
alternative in primary. 

       constructor-statement = 
              ( "inherited" | ancestor-name "." )
              constructor-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ] .

       constructor-identifier = identifier .

       constructor-access = class-type-name "."
             constructor-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ] .

A constructor-access returns a reference to a newly created object that is of 
the object type of the class.  When an object is created, the following 
actions are performed (in order): 

(a)    The initial states that are specified for any fields are set.  This is 
       done in an implementation-dependent order. 

(b)    The user-specified actions of the constructor are executed.


       Reference := Person . Create;

creates an object of type Person.

A constructor-statement calls a constructor for an ancestor type to initialize 
that portion of the object that was defined by that ancestor.  A constructor 
typically begins by calling constructors for each of its parents. 

A constructor-statement can appear only in the body of a constructor.  It does 
not create a new reference. 

 NOTE: Conceptually, the type of the object being created changes when 
       executing a constructor at different levels in the hierarchy.  This 
       change will be in effect for any methods activated from within such a 

If a constructor contains a goto statement that transfers control out of that 
constructor, the state of the object being constructed will be undefined if 
that statement is executed.  Activation of Destructors.  

A destructor removes an object from a class.  A destructor-statement is added 
as an alternative in simple-statement. 

       destructor-statement =
            [ "inherited" [ self-reference "." ] |
              object-reference "." |
              ancestor-name "." ]
            destructor-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ] .

       destructor-identifier = identifier .

       NOTE: Since destructors are called explicitly by the user, the order of
       application is user-controlled.

A destructor activation that begins with the word symbol inherited, or that 
begins with an ancestor-name, can appear only in the body of a destructor.  
The object used with such an activation is the object represented by the 
implicit protected parameter Self. 

It will be a run-time error if the object-reference in destructor-statement 
denotes the value Null. 

Selection of a destructor is always to the most specific for the object being 

 NOTE: If a system provides a garbage collector, activation of a destructor 
       need not immediately reclaim storage for the object, but the object 
       should no longer be accessible. 

A destructor activation inside a destructor applied to the value denoted by 
the implicit protected parameter Self shall be called a "continuing destructor 
activation".  An object shall be said to be destroyed if a destructor is 
executed for that object and the destructor activation is not a continuing 
destructor activation.  It shall be an error to reference an object after it 
has been destroyed. 

Upon completion of a destructor-statement in which an object reference occurs, 
the reference value of the object-reference is removed from all types of which 
it is a member. 

 NOTE: Conceptually, the type of the object being destroyed changes when 
       executing a destructor at a different level in the hierarchy.  This 
       change will be in effect for any methods activated from within such a 

If a destructor contains a goto statement that transfers control out of that 
destructor, the state of the object being destroyed will be undefined if that 
statement is executed.  Assignment.  

Assignment attributes a (possibly Null) reference value to a variable of a 
class-type.  Comparison.  

The relational operators "=" and "" can be used with reference values.  The 
result of the "=" operator is true if both operands contain the value 
represented by Null or both are references to the same object; otherwise, it 
is false.  "" is the logical negation of "=".  Parameter Passing.  

Objects and fields of objects can be passed as both value and variable 
parameters.  Methods, constructors, and destructors cannot be passed as 
procedural parameters.  Value Parameters.  

For value parameters, a copy of the reference variable is created to be passed 
as the actual parameter.  The actual parameter for a value parameter must be 
assignment-compatible with the formal parameter.  Variable Parameters.  

If a variable parameter is of a class type, the variable used as the actual 
parameter for the variable parameter must be of the same type as the formal 
parameter.  The actual object referenced by the variable may be of a 
descendant type.  Membership Operator Is.  

The word symbol is is a Boolean operator with two operands.  The left operand 
is an object and the right operand is a class name.  If the object is a member 
of the class specified by the right operand, is returns the value True; 
otherwise, it returns the value False. The production for factor is extended 
as follows: 

       factor = primary [ exponentiating-operator primary |
                          "is" type-identifier ] .

6.6  Predefined Entities.  

The following entities and their associated identifiers are predefined.

6.6.1  Null.  

The predefined constant identifier Null represents a distinguished value that 
is assignment-compatible with any variable of a class type.  The value 
represented by Null can be used in the initial state specifier of a class 
type.  Null is analogous to the pointer value Nil. 

6.6.2  Root.  

The predefined identifier Root represents an abstract class that is the parent 
of all user-defined concrete and abstract classes.  The Root class has as its 
interface the methods that are specified in the following subsections.  The 
Root class is defined as follows: 

         Root = ABSTRACT CLASS
                  CONSTRUCTOR Create;
                  DESTRUCTOR  Destroy;
                  FUNCTION    Clone : Root;
                  FUNCTION    Equal (R : Root) : Boolean;

       NOTE: An implementation can add other things to the class Root.  Create.  

Create is a constructor with no parameters.  Its action is to create an object 
of the class in which it is used.  When overridden, the programmer can specify 
additional actions to be taken after creation.  Destroy.  

Destroy is a destructor with no parameters.  Its action is to destroy the 
object.  When overridden, the programmer can specify additional actions to be 
taken before the object is destroyed.  Clone.  

Clone is a functional method without parameters.  It returns the result of the 
predefined function Copy. 

 NOTE: The recommended method of redefining Clone is to specify inherited 
       Clone as the first operation in the overriding method.  This way, the 
       clone is built in a top-down fashion.  Equal.  

Equal is a functional method that compares two reference values.  It has one 
parameter: a reference to an object.  If not overridden, its action is to 
return True if the parameter is a reference to the same object as Self; 
otherwise, it returns False. 

6.6.3  TextWritable.  

TextWritable is a predefined property class that has the following interface: 

         TextWritable = PROPERTY CLASS
                          PROCEDURE ReadObj (VAR F : Text);
                          PROCEDURE WriteObj (VAR F : Text);
                        END;  ReadObj.  

ReadObj is a procedural method.  It takes one parameter: a text file from 
which an object is to be read.  If not overridden, ReadObj simply returns, 
performing no other actions.  It is intended to be overridden in descendant 
classes.  WriteObj.  

WriteObj is a procedural method.  It takes one parameter: a text file to which 
an object is to be written.  If not overridden, WriteObj simply returns, 
performing no other actions.  It is intended to be overridden in descendant 

6.6.4  Copy.  

The predefined identifier Copy represents a function that has one argument, 
a reference to an object.  It returns a reference to a new object of the same 
object-type.  This new object is a field-by-field copy of the original object. 

6.7  Signatures.  

The signatures of two functions, procedures, constructors, or destructors 
shall be said to be the same if and only if: 

(a)    Both are functions, both are procedures, both are constructors, or both 
       are destructors; 

(b)    Their formal-parameter-lists are congruous (See section of the 
       Extended Pascal standard for a definition of congruity); 

(c)    The spelling of corresponding parameter identifiers in both lists is 
       the same; and 

(d)    In the case of functions, the type, bindability, and initial state of 
       the result type are the same; and if one function definition contains a 
       result variable specification, then the other also has a result 
       variable specification of the same spelling. 

       NOTE: It is anticipated that when the Extended Pascal standard is 
             revised that signatures will be used to allow the respecification 
             of the parameter list for a forward procedure or function and for 
             the specification of procedure and function headings in the 
             implementation part of modules. 

6.8  With Statement.  

The with statement opens visibility into the visible fields, methods, and 
destructors of the specified object. 

6.9  Procedure, Function, Constructor, and Destructor Declarations.  

To allow for the declaration of methods, constructors, and destructors, the 
syntax for procedure-identification and function-identification is changed, 
and new productions for constructor-identification and destructor-
identification are added to the syntax. 

These changes allow for the class name and "." to precede the procedure, 
function, constructor, or destructor name, and for the override directive to 
follow any of these identifications. 

       procedure-identification =
               "procedure" [ class-type-name "." ]
               procedure-identifier [ formal-parameter-list ]
               [ ";" override-directive ] .

       function-identification =
               "function" [ class-type-name "." ]
               function-identifier [ formal-parameter-list ]
               [ result-variable-specification ]
               [ ":" result-type ]
               [ ";" override-directive ] .

       constructor-identification =
               "constructor" [ class-type-name "." ]
               constructor-identifier [ formal-parameter-list ]
               [ ";" override-directive ] .

       destructor-identification =
               "destructor" [ class-type-name "." ]
               destructor-identifier [ formal-parameter-list ]
               [ ";" override-directive ] .

       override-directive = identifier .

The identifier in the override-directive has the spelling "override".

The production for procedure-and-function-declaration-part is expanded to 
include alternatives for constructor-declaration and destructor-declaration. 

       procedure-and-function-declaration-part =
                   { ( procedure-declaration |
                       function-declaration |
                       constructor-declaration |
                       destructor-declaration ) ";" } .

The declarations for the new productions are:

       constructor-declaration = constructor-identification ";"
                                 procedure-block .

       destructor-declaration = destructor-identification ";"
                                procedure-block .

If parameters or a result type is specified for a procedure, function, 
constructor, or destructor, the declaration must have the same signature as 
its declaration in the class. 

If a class is defined in a module, the declarations for the methods, 
constructors, and destructors for that class must appear in the implementation 
part for that module. 

[Return to Contents]

6.10  Changes to Export Clause.  

The export-clause in Extended Pascal is changed so that an exported class can 
be tailored to avoid name conflicts.  In effect, modules can be used as 
software adapters (just like hardware adapters) to permit the use of possibly 
clashing software libraries.  The syntax for the extensions is: 

       export-clause = ( exportable-name |
                         export-renaming-clause )
                       [ '[' exportable-feature-list ']' ] .

       exportable-feature-list = exportable-feature-renaming
                           { "," exportable-feature-renaming } .

       exportable-feature-renaming = feature-name "=>"
                                     identifier .

       feature-name = field-identifier | method-identifier |
                constructor-identifier | destructor-identifier .

If the export-clause contains an exportable-feature-list, the exportable-name 
must be a class-name. 

 NOTE: It is expected that this feature will be generalized for other 
       constructs when the Extended Pascal standard is revised. 

6.11  Visibility.  

The visibility of entities defined within a class is controlled by the 
interaction between class views and the module interface facilities.  These 
facilities provide a general mechanism for controlling name visibility to 
different categories of clients. 

An entity in the reference-type of a class can be accessed wherever the name 
of the class is visible.  The name of a visible field, method, or destructor 
in a class can be accessed wherever a reference to an object of that class is 
visible.  The name of a visible constructor can be accessed wherever the name 
of the class is visible. The visible entities of a class specify the interface 
for objects of that class to an importing scope. 

 NOTE: Parts of a class can be hidden from users by defining the class in a 
       module, defining a view of the class that does not include the parts to 
       be hidden, and exporting only the view from the module. 

6.12  Extended Pascal Features.  

The following features from Extended Pascal are used or implied by the object 
extensions.  An implementation of classic Pascal would require enhancements in 
these areas as well as the object extensions to provide the complete set of 
capabilities specified in this report. 

       Initial State.  
       The object extensions use the initial state specification of Extended 
       Pascal to specify the initial state of an object. 

       In conjunction with class views, the module facility is used to provide 
       privacy.  It is also used to provide renaming of class entities when 
       combining class libraries. 

       Membership Operator Precedence Level.  
       The operator is has a higher precedence level than the multiplying 

6.13  Suggested Changes to Extended Pascal.  

The following features are recommended for inclusion in the next revision of 
the Extended Pascal standard. 

       +   Permit the repetition of a parameter specification for forwardly 
           declared procedures and functions, and for the specification of 
           procedure and function headings in the implementation parts of 

       +   Permit the renaming of record fields on export from a module.

[Return to Contents]

Appendix A
                               Collected Syntax

The following is the syntax for class definitions.  Productions referenced but 
not defined here refer to those defined in the Extended Pascal standard.  
Productions marked with an asterisk are extensions to those in the Extended 
Pascal standard.  All others are new. 

       abstract-class = "abstract" "class"
                        class-definition-part .

       actual-class-definition = [ class-inheritance ]
                                 [ class-component-list ] .

       ancestor-name = class-type-name .

       class-component = class-field-item |
                         [ ";" ( override-directive |
                                 "abstract" ) ] .

       class-component-list = class-component
                              { "," class-component } [ ";" ] .

       class-definition-part = ( actual-class-definition |
                                 deferred-class-definition )
                               "end" .

       class-field-item = variable-declaration .

       class-field-specifier = field-specifier .

       class-inheritance = "(" class-inheritance-list ")" .

       class-inheritance-list = class-type-name
                                { "," class-type-name } .

       class-procedural-item = procedure-heading |
                               function-heading |
                               constructor-heading |
                               destructor-heading .

       class-type-denoter = subclass-denoter |
                            class-view-denoter .
       class-type-name = type-name .

       class-view-denoter = "view" "of" view-base-type
                            class-definition-part .

       concrete-class = "class" class-definition-part .

       constructor-access = class-type-name "."
             constructor-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ] .

       constructor-declaration = constructor-identification ";"
                                 procedure-block .

       constructor-heading = "constructor" identifier
                             [ formal-parameter-list ] .

       constructor-identification =
               "constructor" [ class-type-name "." ]
               constructor-identifier [ formal-parameter-list ]
               [ ";" override-directive ] .

       constructor-identifier = identifier .

       constructor-statement = 
              ( "inherited" | ancestor-name "." )
              constructor-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ] .

       deferred-class-definition = ".." .

       destructor-declaration = destructor-identification ";"
                                procedure-block .

       destructor-heading = "destructor" identifier
                            [ formal-parameter-list ] .

       destructor-identification =
               "destructor" [ class-type-name "." ]
               destructor-identifier [ formal-parameter-list ]
               [ ";" override-directive ] .

       destructor-identifier = identifier .

       destructor-statement =
             [ "inherited" [ self-reference "." ] |
               object-reference "." |
               ancestor-name "." ]
             destructor-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ] .

*      export-clause = ( exportable-name |
                         export-renaming-clause )
                       [ "[" exportable-feature-list "]" ] .

       exportable-feature-list = exportable-feature-renaming
                           [ "," exportable-feature-renaming ] .

       exportable-feature-renaming = feature-name "=>"
                                     identifier .

*      factor = primary [ exponentiating-operator primary |
                          "is" type-identifier ] .

       feature-name = field-identifier | method-identifier |
                constructor-identifier | destructor-identifier .

*      field-designator = [ object-reference "." ]
                                       class-field-specifier |
                          record-variable "." field-specifier |
                          field-designator-identifier .

*      function-identification =
               "function" [ class-type-name "." ]
               function-identifier [ formal-parameter-list ]
               [ result-variable-specification ]
               [ ";" result-type ]
               [ ";" override-directive ] .

       method-activation =
           [ "inherited" [ self-reference "." ] |
             object-reference "." |
             ancestor-name "." ]
           method-identifier [ actual-parameter-list ] .

       method-identifier = identifier .

       object-reference = variable-access | function-access .

       override-directive = directive .

*      primary > variable-access | unsigned-constant |
                 set-constructor | function-access |
                 "(" expression ")" | "not" primary |
                 constant-access | schema-discriminant |
                 structured-value-constructor |
                 discriminant-identifier |
                 constructor-access .

*      procedure-and-function-declaration-part =
           { ( procedure-declaration |
               function-declaration |
               constructor-declaration |
               destructor-declaration ) ";" } .

*      procedure-identification =
               "procedure" [ class-type-name "." ]
               procedure-identifier [ formal-parameter-list ]
               [ ";" override-directive ] .

       property-class = "property" "class"
                        class-definition-part .

       reference-coercion = class-type-name
                                       "(" variable-access ")" .

       self-identifier = identifier .

       self-reference = self-identifier .

*      simple-statement = empty-statement |
                          assignment-statement |
                          procedure-statement |
                          goto-statement |
                          constructor-statement |
                          destructor-statement .
       subclass-denoter = property-class | abstract-class |
                          concrete-class .

*      type-definition = identifier "="
                         ( type-denoter | class-type-denoter ) .

*      variable-access = entire-variable | component-variable |
                         identified-variable | buffer-variable |
                         substring-variable |
                         function-identified-variable |
                         reference-coercion .

       view-base-type = class-type-name .

[Return to Contents]

Appendix B
             Non-Syntactic Changes to the Extended Pascal Standard

The following word symbols have been added:

       abstract, class, constructor, destructor, inherited, is, property, view

The following directive has been added:


The following predefined function has been added:


The following constant has been added:


The following types have been added:

       Root, TextWritable

The following implicit protected parameter exists in methods, constructors, 
and destructors: 


[Return to Contents]

Appendix C
                               Separated Issues

After consideration, it was decided that the following potential language 
features would not be included in the main body of this report.  Most of these 
features do not relate directly to objects and would require considerable work 
before they could be included in a technical report or standard. 

There are no current plans to do further work in these features.  This does 
not imply that these concepts are not useful or desirable. 

C.1  Generic Types.  

Although a very useful feature, generic types have been separated out because 
they are really a separate issue.  Their implementation is also quite 
complicated compared to many other features.  Their inclusion in the report 
might discourage people from implementing the essential object features. 

Although not included, implementors are encouraged to experiment with this 
feature because it is a natural extension to schemata and fits well with the 
object extensions described herein. It should be noted, however, that the 
investigation of generic types was not completed when the decision to omit 
them was made.  There are many open areas. 

The thought behind generic types is that they should be provided as an 
extension to schemata, with types as well as values being used as 
discriminants.  The formal type discriminants would be used as type names in 
declaring fields. 

The process for discrimination does not get much more involved than it is now.  
The added work comes from having undiscriminated schema parameters that 
provide generic routines for generic types. 

C.1.1  Type Discriminant Specifiers.  

To add types as a discriminant possibility, the syntax for discriminant-
specifier would have to be extended.  Here is one way this could be done: 

       discriminant-specification =
           identifier-list ":" ( ordinal-type-name |
                           "type" [ "(" type-name-list ")" ] ) .

       type-name-list = type-name { "," type-name } .

If the discriminant-specification contains a type-name-list, it would define 
one or more discriminant-type-names. 

This syntax is very general and would allow almost any of the proposed uses.  
The only concept it does not represent is a set of types where all of the 
types share a given property, i.e., all the types are class-types, ordinal-
types, set-types, etc.  To represent this, all possible types would have to be 
listed in such a case. 

This does not seem to be a problem.  In fact, the syntax may already allow 
more things than are desirable.  It would probably be desirable to place 
restrictions on discriminant-type-names and on the places in the syntax where 
they could appear. 

One such restriction would be that a discriminant-type-name could not be used 
as the type of a discriminated field of a variant part. 

There was some talk of restricting generic types to only be used with classes.  
This could easily be done by making semantic and syntactic restrictions.  It 
would certainly make implementation of generic types much easier. 

It was mentioned that there may need to be some restrictions on the use of 
subrange types; however, none were specified. 

C.1.2  Discriminants.  

To use a generic type, a change in the syntax would be needed for an actual 
discriminant.  The following syntactic change would allow this: 

       actual-discriminant-part =
           "(" actual-discriminant
               { "," actual-discriminant } ")" .

       actual-discriminant = ( discriminant-value |
                               discriminant-type ) .

       discriminant-type = type-name .

A discriminant-type would be one of the type-names, or a descendant of one of 
the type-names, specified in the type-name-list for the corresponding position 
in the formal-discriminant-part. 

C.1.3  Generic Classes.  

Generic types could be used to define generic classes.  A generic class 
definition would allow generic methods, constructors, and destructors to be 

The only operations allowed for an entity declared with a type that is defined 
using a discriminant-type-name would be those that are shared by all the types 
that can be used as the discriminant-type. 

Compilers could have to generate different versions of the methods, 
constructors, and destructors declared in a generic class depending on the 
actual types that are used with the schema. 

It would be an implementation issue as to how many methods, constructors, and 
destructors are generated for one that appears in a generic class definition.  
One could be generated for each use, one could be generated that covers every 
use, or something in between. 

C.1.4  Generic Subclass Definitions.  

A generic class could be used to define a generic subclass which is later 
discriminated into a real class definition. 

If a descendant of a generic type could be defined, each of the actual types 
represented by a discriminated use of this descendant would have a descendant 
relationship with the type represented by a discriminated use of the original 
generic type. 

C.1.5  Multiple Inheritance and Generic Subclass Definitions.  

Multiple inheritance of generic subclasses could be done.  The discrimination 
lists could be concatenated in the textual order of the ancestors.  A generic 
type could appear more than once in the ancestor list; however, when 
discriminated, each discriminant would select a different type from the type 

Joins would not be allowed.

Discrimination of a generic type in the ancestor list could be allowed.

C.2  Assertions.  

A type assertion facility that included pre- and post-conditions (similar to 
those found in the Eiffel language) was considered and not included.  The 
following points were brought up on assertions: 

       +   Assertions, although a nice feature, are not a panacea;
       +   There is a heavy cost if assertions are used; although, a smart 
           compiler can optimize some things; 
       +   Assertions really are tied in with exception handling and are 
           probably better addressed there; 
       +   Many useful assertions are not readily expressible; and
       +   A general assertion capability would need to be investigated before 
           anything was done. 

C.3  Procedure Variables.  

Procedure variables are not directly related to the object extensions.  
Although classes through polymorphism provide some of the capabilities of 
procedure variables, the feature is more orthogonal than interrelated. 

It was noted that procedure variables provide some useful capabilities such as 
building dispatch tables.  However, there is also a high cost in defining 
procedure types.  There are also restrictions, brought about by local 
procedures, that must be taken care of. 

It was also questioned whether procedure variables really add much more 
capability to the object system than already present with procedure 

C.4  Default Parameters.  

Although default parameters can be useful, they are not directly related to 
object extensions; therefore, they will not be investigated for inclusion in 
the object report.  During their discussion, the following things were noted: 

       +   Default parameters could easily be specified by a value clause on a 
           parameter definition.  This is a natural extension to the use of 
           the value clause in Extended Pascal, and would not conflict with 
           existing code. 
       +   On a procedure or function call, the trailing arguments that 
           correspond to parameters with default specifications could be 
           omitted from the actual-parameter-list. 
       +   If a parameter was a variable parameter, either a global variable 
           would have to be specified as the default, or a temporary variable 
           would need to be created to hold the default value. 
       +   It would not be appropriate to use a state specification to specify 
           a variable that is to be used as a default parameter; however, some 
           other syntax could be invented. 
       +   Default values for procedure, function and method parameters need 
           to be addressed, even if to say they are disallowed. 
       +   Default value parameters make sense; however, having other default 
           parameters is breaking new ground. 
       +   If default parameters are allowed, you should be able to have them 
           in the middle as well as at the end.  The absence of a default 
           parameter in the middle of an argument list could be indicated by 
           consecutive commas. 
       +   In the actual parameter list, something other than consecutive 
           commas could be used to indicate a default parameter. 

C.5  Set Extensions.  

Pascal sets could be extended to include collections.  This would generalize 
sets to include sets of objects.  This extension would include: 

       +   The definition of sets of objects by allowing

                 SET OF type;

       +   The iteration over objects in the FOR statement;  (The iteration 
           variable would have to be of a class type rather than an ordinal 
       +   The dynamic creation of object sets;  (This could probably be done 
           with the normal set constructor because the type of the objects 
           inside it would be known as well as the context in which it is 
           being used.  The interaction of ancestors and descendants could be 
           a little tricky though.) 
       +   The use of the set operators on these sets; and
       +   The use of equality comparison operators on these sets.

The extension could be implemented in many ways.  What would be best would 
depend on the anticipated use. 
It was felt that the extension was a special case, it does not solve a general 
problem, and that the facility can be built into the class structure.  
There are also semantic and implementation questions that remain unanswered. 

C.6  Overloading Methods.  

Overloading occurs when two (or more) methods, procedures, or functions have 
the same name but different parameter lists.  For an overloaded method, 
selection of the actual method to be invoked is based on matching of the types 
of the actual arguments against the types of the formal parameters. 

Because overloading is not provided, a programmer must use different function 
and procedure names to achieve the same effect. 

Overloaded methods have a logical clash with default parameters when a 
parameter is omitted and that parameter is needed to determine which 
overloaded method to use. 

Overloading has a problem when an object of a descendant class is used as an 
actual parameter and there are two overloaded methods that have different 
ancestor types for that parameter position.  There is ambiguity as to which 
should be called. 

If overloading would have been done for methods, it would also have made sense 
to do it for procedures and functions. 

C.7  Persistent Objects.  

Persistent objects are objects that have an existence that is longer than the 
execution of the program that created them. 

For persistent objects to exist, their definitions must also be persistent.

There are many ways such objects could be specified.  For example, they could 
be specified by a property that is 

       +   Inherited;
       +   Bestowed on creation;
       +   Bestowed after creation;
       +   Received from another object it is connected to; etc.

The concept is orthogonal to the rest of the object work.

C.8  Object Evolution.  

This is the ability of an object to change its type over time but still retain 
its unique identity, e.g., to become a more specialized object in the 
hierarchy as more is known about it. 

This is a relatively new concept not found in many programming languages.

C.9  Object Roles.  

This is the ability of an object to assume different roles throughout its 
lifetime.  This is much like having multi-active variants.  An object may have 
more than one role at a given time.  It is much like being in more than one 
place in the hierarchy at the same time, and these roles can change over time. 

This concept is found in some database areas, but is not found in programming 

C.10  Access Abstraction.  

This is an encapsulation and abstraction methodology.  Basically, it is an 
access that returns a reference.  An example is a substring variable. 

It was thought that methods provide most of the capability of access 

C.11  Operator Overloading.  

This is the ability to define new operations for existing operator names. 

Although a useful feature, it is not directly related to, or needed for, the 
object extensions. 

C.12  Operator Definition.  

This is the ability to define new operator names and to define their 

Although a useful feature, it is not directly related to, or needed for, the 
object extensions. 

[Return to Contents]

Appendix D
                   Language Features Considered and Rejected

D.1  Record Extensions.  

The committee considered extending records and having an underlying storage 
model similar to that used in C++.  This model is known as the value model. 

The committee also considered having two storage models, one that followed the 
more classic object languages (Smalltalk and Object Pascal), and another that 
followed the C++ value model. 

After considerable thought and detailed proposals, both of these alternatives 
were rejected in favor of having only one model, the simpler and more classic 
reference model of Smalltalk and Object Pascal. 

The value model has many disadvantages, including:

       +   The absence of object identity;
       +   The absence of complete polymorphism, which is provided only via 
           pointers and reference parameters; 
       +   An increased dependency between modules;  (Modules that have 
           allocated static records, or that use the size of a record for 
           allocating storage on the stack, need to be recompiled if the size 
           of the record changes.) 
       +   A more complex model with many nuances involving constructors, 
           destructors, and value parameters;  (Therefore, making it harder to 
           teach and understand.) 
       +   An invalidation of all existing Object Pascal programs;  (Although, 
           tools could be produced to ease the conversion.) 
       +   A requirement to specify conceptually unnecessary dereferencing; 
       +   Complete compatibility with C++ is not achieved.

Using both models for objects would have:

       +   Considerably complicated the language in definition, 
           implementation, and learning of the language. 
       +   Encouraged people to write in a non-object fashion, where they 
           would lose many of the benefits of the object paradigm.  Having one 
           model encourages people to learn it and use it correctly. 

The main reasons for rejecting the value model and extended records were that 
there was not a compelling enough reason to have them and the benefits of 
efficiency and compatibility with C++ did not outweigh the intrinsic 
disadvantages.  It should also be noted that efficiency and compatibility are 
highly implementation dependent and a standard has little control over them. 

It was also thought that a simpler language with only one model would be more 
successful in the marketplace than one that contains both models.  Language 
committees have always been criticized about putting in too many features to 
appease everyone on the committee. 

D.2  Method Parameters.  

This is an extension to parameter variables that would permit the passing of 
methods as parameters. 

Although it seemed a natural extension, the committee did not find good 
examples for its use that could not be done in other natural ways. 

It was thought that this extension would add another complication that would 
rarely be used. The passing of self and procedure parameters can do most of 
the things that they would be used for. 

If methods were to be allowed to be passed as parameters, this could be done 
by extending the formal parameter specification for procedures and functions 
to include an indication of the class of a method. 

Method parameters would have permitted the construction of iteration 
procedures and other constructs.  However, it is somewhat restricted because 
the methods must all be in the same class and have the same signature.  Also, 
method parameters are not associated with a local scope and are therefore 
intrinsically less useful than procedure parameters. 

Having both kinds of parameters with different semantics would complicate the 
programming model.  The semantics of method parameters differ from those of 
procedure parameters because method parameters do not pass a local scope. 

D.3  Specialization of Fields.  

An inherited field could be further specialized by respecifying an initial 
state.  This could be done whether or not the original definition of the field 
specified an initial state.  The type of the original field, however, could 
not be changed, not even to a descendant type of this field. 

To change the type of a field would:

       +   Be adding new restrictions to a parent class; and
       +   Create considerable overhead because assignment at a higher level 
           could be illegal and this might not be known until after processing 
           of a descendant class. 

Although restricted specialization of fields could have been specified in the 
report, it was not because it was thought to be too special a case, and the 
user already has the ability to override an initial value by use of a 

D.4  Non-Overridable Methods.  

This is the ability to state that a method cannot be overridden in a 

Although the feature goes against the beliefs of many software engineers, it 
does have some useful properties.  For example, such a method would be more 
efficient to reference because it could be bound at compile time.  Its use 
could reduce method table sizes, but a smart linker could do a better job. 

D.5  Embedded Objects.  

Embedded objects, where one object can be stuck inside of another were 
considered and rejected.  This was done because there does not appear to be 
any significant advantage over using multiple inheritance or having an 
instance variable for the object. Therefore, it would unnecessarily complicate 
the report with little or no return. 

D.6  Field Selectors.  

There was some talk of having a feature similar to selecting methods which 
would instead select fields of a class through a parameter specification.  
This concept seemed to be going against encapsulation, and therefore was 

D.7  Run-Time Message Parameters.  

This is a facility for evaluating a symbolic message at run time, such as the 
Smalltalk PERFORM.  It will not be provided because: 

       +   It would need considerable run-time checks;
       +   Its power is easily abused;
       +   Its properties are unknown when reading the code;
       +   It is similar in many ways to an assigned goto;
       +   It prohibits purging a class library of old code because the code 
           may still be dynamically referenced; and 
       +   It means that the complete class library must be available at run 

D.8  Constant Objects.  

Although constant objects appear in the real world, and there would have been 
some value in having them, they were rejected because it was decided that 
their cost did not justify their benefits.  The main points that led to this 
conclusion are: 

       +   There is no clear way that constant objects naturally fit into the 
           language and still model the real world. 
       +   Constant objects add another level of complexity that must be 
       +   Constant objects really imply a set of restrictions that are 
           equivalent to assertions.  A general assertion mechanism would be a 
           better way to address this. 
       +   Constant objects imply considerable run-time checks that could be 
           quite expensive. 
       +   There would need to be considerably extra syntax for specifying 
           constant objects.  This includes specifying what methods can access 
           them and specifying what operations can be done on them. 
       +   Constant objects imply a set of restrictions that are equivalent to 
           creating a subclass and indicating that some fields in this new 
           subclass cannot be changed.  The definition of such a subclass is 
           equivalent to changing the interface of a parent. 
       +   Constant objects are really read-only objects and are similar to 
           PROTECTED variables in Extended Pascal. 
       +   Constant objects do not improve efficiency or add new functionality 
           other than a restricted form of assertions. 
       +   It is not clear what restrictions would be placed on constant 
           objects, e.g., would it be necessary to define values for all 
           fields?  And, would it be possible to reference non-constant 
           objects in a constant object? 
       +   It is also not clear how constant objects should best be created, 
           i.e., at compile time, upon creation at run time, or at some point 
           later in their life. 
       +   With existing facilities, a programmer can simulate much of the 
           functionality of constant objects. 

D.9  Private Base Classes.  

Private base classes, as in C++, will not be provided.  The general 
capabilities provided by private base classes are already available with class 
views.  Although there are a few differences in the implementation, none is 
significant enough to justify the added complexity. 

D.10  Virtual Base Classes.  

Virtual base classes, as in C++, which permit the sharing of a single copy of 
a common ancestor's fields, will not be supported.  This decision was made 

       +   Virtual base classes need to be declared by omniscient designers 
           rather than by the users of the classes; 
       +   The effect of virtual base classes can be obtain by restructuring 
           the class lattice and turning the common ancestors into classes 
           that will be mixed in with the other parts of the object; and 
       +   All known implementations of virtual base classes are inefficient 
           in both time and space. 

D.11  Friends.  

There will not be a friend capability as is found in C++.

Although there are some valid uses for friends, a friend type of interface is 
not being provided because it circumvents encapsulation and is believed to 
lead to poor programming practices. 

The functionality of friends is provided in a more secure manner by class 
views and the user's ability to export multiple interfaces from a module. 

D.12  Virtual Method Indication.  

Indication that a method can be overridden (e.g., C++ virtual) will not be 
required in the definition of a method.  Any visible method can be overridden 
in a descendant class. A requirement to specify that a method can be 
overridden thwarts specialization and code refinement.  It also requires an 
omniscient designer who anticipates future use; or, it requires the user must 
have access to the underlying code so that it can be changed.  Both of these 
are poor assumptions. 

D.13  Class Implementation Part.  

There will not be an explicit class implementation part. 
The reasons for this are that:

       +   The modularity feature can provide all the grouping capabilities 
           that are needed. 
       +   Having methods grouped in a separate section provides less 
           flexibility for loading, replacing, and organizing methods. 
       +   If the implementation part contained the specification of private 
           parts, two places would need to be looked at to determine the size 
           of objects in this class. 

On the positive side, a class implementation part would have:

       +   Not required the class name to be specified with the definition for 
           each method; 
       +   Permitted methods to be grouped together for the class they work 
           with, thereby making it easier to find all the methods declared in 
           a class; and 
       +   Provided a place where private parts could be declared and have 
           them more hidden. 

D.14  Packed Objects.  

Packed objects will not be provided.  No good reason for allowing this could 
be found.  There was also no desire to extend a feature that many people think 
should be deprecated. 

[Return to Contents]

Appendix E
               Rationale for Decisions Reflected in this Report

This appendix contains rationale that was captured during the development of 
this report.  It is by no means complete or exhaustive. 

The section numbers and titles are those of the main body of the text to which 
the rationale apply. 

E.6.1.1  Extension of the Type System.  

Class definitions are part of the type system so that the capabilities will be 
consistent with, and similar to, existing Pascal facilities and will mirror 
similar capabilities in other languages.  It was felt that classes fit best 
with, and are conceptually closer to, things in the type system than other 
things in the language. 

An alternative would have been to try to make classes more closely resemble 

Class definitions are determinable at compile time rather than run time to 
permit static type checking wherever possible and to match the existing Pascal 
model.  It also closely matches other languages such as Eiffel, Trellis, and 

E.6.1.2  Restrictions on Class Definitions.  

Class definitions can appear only at the program or module level because 

       +   Objects could be created that could outlive the procedural 
           environment in which they are defined; 
       +   Due to upward assignment, references to such objects can escape the 
           area in which the class is defined; 
       +   A method within such a class could access procedure and parameter 
           data that may not exist at the time the method is activated; 
       +   Although access to local variables and procedures could be 
           restricted, this would remove the main reason for having local 
       +   A restriction on outward assignment in inadequate due to 
           intermediaries; and 
       +   It would require complete containment or checks to see that a 
           correct environment exists for each access. 

A class definition cannot be nested inside another class definition because:

       +   Such a definition would have an anonymous name that could not be 
           used in the definitions of the bodies of methods, constructors, or 
       +   Multiple nested classes would cause name reference ambiguities that 
           would require further extensions to resolve; 
       +   No good reason could be found to allow nesting; and
       +   Such a capability would simply complicate definition, 
           implementation, and use. 

E.6.1.3  Contents and Syntax of Class Definitions.  

Use of the word class was thought to be more descriptive of the underlying 
definition of a class of objects than the word object, which is presently used 
in all implementations of Object Pascal.  The word class is also more like 
set, and object is more like record.  This rationale is not the same as that 
used to make the change from class in Clascal to object in Object Pascal.  
However, the word class is now more common in the industry than it was when 
Object Pascal was created. 

E. Inheritance List.  

Each ancestor class can be listed only once because of Pascal's normal scope 
rules.  It is the same as not allowing two parameters with the same name.  It 
is also because a class cannot have multiple common ancestors. 

Although single inheritance can handle over 90% of the cases where inheritance 
is needed, some form of multiple inheritance was still considered to be 
essential.  Multiple inheritance is a natural and frequently used mechanism 
for modeling objects and concepts in the real world. Having it directly 
supported in the language makes modeling easier.  Interfaces from each of the 
parents are better preserved and more easily expressed with multiple 
inheritance than with having separate instance variables for each of the 

E.  Constructors.  

Alternatives considered for specifying constructors include:

       +   Having a predefined function (e.g. Construct) that would take as a 
           parameter the class name and a constructor name, if one was 
       +   Having a new second parameter to New that would specify the class 
           name and constructor. 

The purpose of a user-defined constructor is to make sure that when an object 
is created that it is in a stable state.  Some or all of this may be possible 
by specifying initial states for fields in an object.  For cases where this 
cannot be completely specified statically, a constructor can be used to set 
fields dynamically. 

E.  Destructors.  

Alternatives considered for specifying destructors include:

       +   Having a predefined procedure that would destroy objects.  (This 
           has the advantage of having only one name for destroying an 
       +   Having only one destructor for a class, without parameters, that is 
           implicitly called when an object goes out of existence.  (This has 
           the advantage that the system would take care of finding objects 
           that need to be destroyed.  Such a destructor could have called 
           other, helper destructors.) 

The form of destructor chosen seemed to be more generally useful.

E.6.2.2  Abstract Classes.  

Abstract classes are included because experience has shown that they are a 
natural and beneficial tool for specifying structure.  Without them, 
programmers have to simulate this facility without compile-time checking. 

E.6.2.3  Property Classes.  

Property classes have been added to the regular class definition mechanism 
rather than having a separate definition mechanism for them.  This is because 
they have many similarities with regular classes. 

E.6.2.5  Class Viewing.  

Class views provide a general, user-controlled mechanism for specifying 
arbitrary levels of privacy to multiple users.  They are provided in place of 
the more common and restrictive forms of privacy (i.e. public, private, and 
protected parts) found in Eiffel, C++, and other languages. 

E.6.3.3  Name Conflicts.  

The renaming of inherited entities at the point of introduction into a class 
was considered.  Although this would have provided a means for removing name 
conflicts that occur in multiple inheritance, it was rejected because it 
changes the interface between a descendant and its ancestor.  Therefore, the 
descendant would not be a subtype of its ancestor. 

If users do not have access to the class definitions that cause the conflict, 
they can define adapter modules that change the conflicting names in a 
consistent way for use throughout the program. 

E.6.3.4  Overriding.  

An explicit indication of overriding was considered beneficial both to avoid 
accidental errors and to state explicitly the intent of the programmer. 

The main reason for permitting the respecification of the parameter list is to 
improve readability.  It is believed that the increased readability outweighs 
possible misuse. 

If parameter refinement were allowed, it would change the interface defined by 
a parent. 

No benefit could be seen for allowing an overriding method to define a 
parameter to be either an ancestor type or a descendant type of the original 
parameter.  Also, extra rules would be needed to allow it. 

Although there would not be a problem in allowing the changing of the type of 
a function result, the extra work of defining the exception, and teaching it, 
did not seem to be justified by its potential use. 

E.6.3.5  Abstract Methods, Constructors, and Destructors.  

Abstract is explicitly stated for documentation and checking purposes. 

This requirement catches the addition of a method in a parent class that has 
the same name as an abstract method in a descendant. 

E.6.5.1  The Object Model.  

The reference model has the following advantages:

       +   It preserves object identity;
       +   It preserves polymorphism;
       +   There is more independence between modules because they are not as 
           dependent on object sizes;  Therefore, they do not need to be 
           recompiled as often when objects change. 
       +   It is a simple model that is easy to teach;
       +   It conforms to the existing model for Object Pascal;
       +   Existing Object Pascal programs could be converted to it with 
           little trouble by the use of automated tools; and, 
       +   Conceptually unnecessary dereferencing is not required.

The reference model has the following disadvantages:

       +   It provides limited compatibility and interoperation with C++ 
           programs and libraries; 
       +   It does not provide for programmer-specified static- and stack-
           based objects; (Note, however, that an implementation could place 
           objects in static or stack storage if this is compatible with their 
           usage in the program.) 
       +   Objects and records are handled in dissimilar ways so existing 
           Pascal programs are not as easily converted in an incremental 
           fashion to an object methodology; 
       +   It is slightly less efficient at run-time because of extra 
       +   There is less programmer control of the underlying object 
           representation; and 
       +   It does not provides a clear indication of the underlying 
           dereferencing that is going on. 

E.6.5.4  Implicit References.  

The name of an ancestor other than a direct parent can be used because it does 
not break encapsulation and it requires no more knowledge than the use of 
inherited fields and methods. 

E.6.5.6  Inherited.  

It was decided to have inherited as a prefix to a method access rather than 
have an implicit identifier like self that could have been used with name 
qualification.  This was done to avoid constructs such as 


There is some awkwardness in having it as a prefix when it is used with a 
function.  For example: 

       A + INHERITED Size

However, this was considered acceptable.

Inherited is not essential because a parent name with qualification could be 
used instead. However, it was thought that having inherited can make it easier 
to update a class hierarchy because implementation parts do not need to be 
checked for the use of the construct 

       parent-name . method-name

E.6.5.7  Reference Type Coercion.  

Object coercion is provided because practical experience has shown that it is 
useful and desirable to have this capability.  A functional notation was 
chosen because it is easily readable and many existing Pascal implementations 
use this notation for this operation.  Alternatives considered include: 

       +   Use of a new operator, such as "::";  (This specific operator had 
           the disadvantage of being the same as a C++ operator, but 
           performing a different operation.  Also, new operators in general 
           seem to be more cryptic and therefore less desirable.) 
       +   Use of a function, such as view;  (This had the disadvantage that a 
           function implies a conversion, and a type would have to be "passed" 
           as a parameter.) 
       +   Use of "." for going down as well as up the hierarchy.  (This has 
           the disadvantage that it does not clearly show that an error can 

E.  Activation of Destructors.  

The order of destructor calls is controlled by the user because an 
implementation-defined order would not always be correct. 

E.  Variable Parameters.  

An alternative would have been to allow a descendant of the formal type, but 
this would cause a problem because a more general type could be returned. 

E.  Membership Operator Is.  

The is functionality cannot easily be defined by a user because one of the 
operands is a type name and not an expression. 

There should be no problem in implementing this function because the 
underlying test will be needed for other features, e.g., the test on viewing 
(unless the error for incorrect viewing is not caught by an implementation). 

Although the is operator could be misused, it was felt that this misuse is 
outweighed by correct usage.  Its main use is seen to be with an object that 
is in a general container and sending this object a specific message based on 
its true type.  This need is a consequence of having strong type checking at 
compile time. 

Eiffel and Object Pascal have this feature but in a different form.

The only real cost for having this feature is a few extra bytes associated 
with each class definition, which is contained in the class tables at run 

Alternative ways to supply this functionality that were considered and 
rejected include: 

       +   A function such as Member that takes an object and a type as 
           arguments and returns a Boolean value.  This has the advantage that 
           this form is used in Object Pascal, but has the disadvantage that a 
           type name is not a normal argument type. 

       +   A function associated with a class, e.g.,

              T_Circle . IS ( object )

           This had the advantage that the format was already in the language.

       +   Use of the IN operator, e.g.,

              object IN class-name

           This form would emphasize the set properties of an object, a view 
           that does not have general agreement. 

       +   A special form of method associated with all classes, e.g.,

              object . IS ( class-name )

                Here again, the parameter is a type name.

       +   Another alternative would have been to provide a function that 
           returns a unique tag indicating the class type.  This could have 
           been used in a case statement. 

E.6.6  Predefined Entities.  

Identifiers are used, rather than word symbols, in order to minimize conflicts 
with existing Pascal programs. 

E.6.6.1  Null.  

An alternative to having a separate value for classes would have been to 
further overload Nil.  This was not done so as not to mislead the user into 
thinking that objects are implemented as pointers. 

E.  Clone.  

The Clone facility is supplied as a method so it can be overridden.  A general 
deep clone facility cannot be provided except by a user because its action 
depends on the semantics of the application.  This can be seen by its 
interaction with constructors. 

E.  Equal.  

Other comparison mechanisms that were considered include:

       1.  Having a built-in function that can take arguments of any type and 
           compare them for equality.  This had the problem that it breaks 
       2.  Having the user create a method or function for each individual 
           comparison that is desired.  This did not lead to consistent naming 
           and understanding of code.  Also, if the semantic meaning was close 
           to one of the built-in operators, there would be a chance of error. 
       3.  Having magic function or method names that if present are used as 
           the underlying tests for comparison.  This had a problem in that a 
           special rule must always be remembered even (and especially when) 
           the feature was not used. 
       4.  Providing a means to directly specify the overloading of the 
           comparison operators (<, >, etc.). 

E.6.6.3  TextWritable.  

WriteObj and ReadObj are defined only for text files because Pascal does not 
have a generic file facility.  Also, text files seem to offer the most 
portability among systems. 

E.6.6.4  Copy.  

Copy is provided because the user may not know the actual type of an object or 
have access to all fields of an object.  A user would not be able to write 
Copy if it uses system information that is not available.  It is provided as a 
function because such functionality is normally put into functions. 

E.6.10  Changes to Export Clause.  

Renaming is provided so that otherwise conflicting class libraries can be used 
in a program.  It is done only on module exportation to provide better control 
over this potentially dangerous feature.  Without that control, renaming can 
easily lead to confusion. 

[Return to Contents]

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