To Order

To order any of these software products print out (or handwrite) the following order form and mail with payment to Visible Software, Box 949, Newark, DE 19715-0949. You can also order most products from our web site,

For site licenses or VAX/VMS, email or call for information and a license agreement. Questions? Email or call Visible Software at or (302) 455-9400 (email preferred, if no answer to phone leave message for callback).

Order Form

I Am Ordering:

  [_] Extended Pascal Compiler for MS-DOS, with printed manual ($130)
  [_] Dr. Pascal interpreter for MS-DOS ($49)
  [_] Dr. Pascal interpreter for Windows ($49) (currently same as MS-DOS version)
  [_] Dr. Pascal interpreter for Macintosh ($49) (as of December 2004, only available for MacOS 7.1 through 8.1)
  [_] Combo: Extended Pascal Compiler and Dr. Pascal interpreter ($145)
  [_] Public-domain programming tools ($10)
  [_] Public-domain Pascal-S compiler ($10)
  Price of Dr. Pascal includes 3-computer, one-user, license, with unlocking codes credited to your email. Manual is on disk.
  All MS-DOS products also run under Windows 3.1, NT, 95, 98, 2000 and ME, using DOS window.
   Prices are slightly lower when downloading from our web site, as the cost of disk and production is included here.
   We accept payments only in US $ currency. (Sorry, but it's probably easier and cheaper for you to convert and send dollars than for us to convert on this end.)
   We normally ship 3.5 inch HD disk. Check box below only if you need another format (not available for all products)
      [_] 5 ¼ disk for IBM-PC PC-DOS  [_] 5 ¼ disk for DEC Rainbow MS-DOS (a classic!)

  $__________ software total
                          Prices are current December 2004, but are subject to change.
  $__________ shipping & handling of $4.00 per order, or $12 outside North America
                          (North America includes the U.S., Canada and Mexico)
  $__________ total enclosed

I'm paying by:

   [_] check    [_] money order    [_] institutional purchase order (enclosed), PO#_____________________________

   [_] credit card or PayPal only via www -- follow these three steps::
     1. Calculate the "total enclosed", above.
     2. Pay via "other payments" at
     3. Fill in following info, or print out email/web payment confirmation (so we can locate your record of payment):
         email address used for payment ___________________________
         Payment amount $ ___________ Payment date ___________________

Send to:

  Name __________________________________________________

  Address ________________________________________________


  City ____________________ State or Province____________________

  Zip or country ________________________________________________

Contacts (in case of questions about your order; not used for marketing):

  Phone _______________________ email _______________________________________
For Dr. Pascal: Important to include email, as this is used to give you credit for unlocking codes.

Your computer:
(For diagnosis and for product development targeting)

  Write out type of computer:  _______________________________
  Then check one operating system, and fill in version:
   [_] Windows __________ (NT, 95, 98, 2000, etc)
   [_] MacOS classic _________ (7.5, 8.1, 9.1, etc)
   [_] Mac OS X _________ (10.1, 10.3, etc) (Note: Dr. Pascal not currently supported.)
   [_] MS-DOS or PC-DOS, version ___________ (3.1, 6.0 etc)

Order code: www-of

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